
Chronic Sitting: The New Smoking

We all love the internet, we all spent a lot of time on sitting while doing our work, internet surfing or just chit chat while sitting. Even most of the day, some people are sitting the whole day. Yeah, we also do the workout when we get time. Spending time in Gyms, dance class, etc. So, It's OKAY? The answer is NO. If your lifestyle is sedentary, you need to be serious about it and should take smart steps. Actually, our heart and cardiovascular system work better when we stand upright. Our body is designed for regular movement. Sedentary LifeStyle Health Hazards According to a 2012 Study from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Around 70% of people spend more than 6 hours each day sitting down. And the impact of this level of inactivity is grim. A link between sedentary behaviour and many cancers exist. Lung Cancer-  Lung cancer risk increases by 54% Uterine Cancer- risk increases by 66% Colon Cancer-  risk increases by 30%. Ris...

5 Common Gym Mistakes You Must Avoid

There are some unhealthy and wrong habits people do unknowingly in their daily routine in the Gyms. If you want to avoid gym errors and keep maintaining your results, check out these mistakes and make effort to correct them all. So it's time to avoid all these mistakes and make some new gains and results without any injuries. Mistake 1: Ego Lifting Every person has commited this mistake in the gym. But the reality is ego-driven will take you nowhere and poor form puts you a lot of injuries. That's the worst this one could get in the gyms. Everyone wants to lift heavy and get strong but proper form is the most important while you're doing training. Don't focus on who is watching you and what others are lifting. You should do what suits your goal and helps to build muscles. Focus to create a better Mind-Muscle Connection. Mistake 2: Not Getting Failure While doing the workout you are failing to fail. Muscle failure means you don't have energy and...

The Best Fat Burner: Increase your Fat Burning Process without any Side-Effect

We always keen to know the supplement or diet that would make a magic to burn our body fat. Here I am talking about a supplement or component that will make this happen. I am talking about L-Carnitine. Read it carefully, It's important to understand how it works. For simplification, It can be a great tool for you that have your arsenal. What is it It's a vitamin-like and amino-like that is closely related to B Vitamin. Lysine and methionine amino acids are responsible for the formation of L-Carnitine and it's formed in liver and Kidneys. Although it stores in the muscles, the brain, and even in sperm. Natural Sources Rich sources are meat, red meat generally. Vegetarian sources are Soybean and Avacado, but it contains in very less amount. How it works L- Carnitine helps to transport fat basically long-chain fatty acid to mitochondria of the cell. There they use as a fuel and burns in the oxidation process. L-Carnitine does its work both you...

Major Reasons You are not Gaining Muscles

This blog is all about getting big without looking sloppy fat. Bodybuilding is the Game of Discipline not Game of Excess. Some people do a lot of efforts but don't get pounds of muscles or you could get more fat instead of muscles even though you are doing an intense workout. You are at the right place if you have ever faced or don't want to face this problem. Please read the whole article to understand it. You are not Eating Enough The very first and common mistake that people do is that they don't eat enough. If you need to gain some extra pound of muscles, you should come on the caloric surplus. Means, need to increase overall calorie intake. Muscles require the right amount of nutrition to grow. That includes your macros Protein, Carbs and Fat. It doesn't mean you could add Junk and Unhealthy food . You need to understand and plan your meals that affect your muscles. You are not taking Enough Protein Some people only focus on carbohydrate...

How to get rid of Man Boobs and Chest Fat Naturally.

Medically known as Gynecomastia is one of the problems people encountered all over the world. Most of them realize it when they move on to the fitness industry because fitness freaks take and observe their body more seriously.  Gynecomastia or man boobs is enlargement of the glandular tissue of the male breast.  Let's talk about the cause and how to get rid of it naturally. This is the problem generally comes during infancy and puberty due to the imbalance in the hormonal environment in the body. 1. When a man body gets a relative excess of estrogens, the female main hormones, as compared to Testosterone, male main hormones. Gynecomastia could be diagnosed lipomastia, which means the presence of fat deposit in breast area of obese man. 2. Another main cause of man boob is being obese or overweight. There might be the situation that you don't have Gynecomastia but you have man boobs because of high body fat. Some men have extra fat in the chest and some don't...

Protect yourself from Air Pollution

"Fresh air impoverished the doctor" We all are aware of benefits of fresh air. Now its a time have a look bit deep, consequences of air pollution and How we protect with the polluted environment. According to World Health Organization, due to air pollution, 7 million people die every year. The major problem facing is developing countries like India because of certain reasons. Some jobs are really susceptible to respiratory illness like dock workers, driving and mostly those who are constantly exposed to the worse atmosphere. Air Pollution gives Illness? How?   We have 2 types of air pollutant - 1. Gases 2. Tiny Solid particles. When we breathe in polluted air, the pollutant penetrates and burn the lining of our bronchial tubes and lungs, where they get absorbed into the bloodstream and then circulate to all over the body. Ways to Protect Yourself  Below are the ways to protect yourself from polluted air. Add these things to ...

Common Myths About Women and Fitness

There are a lot of myths in fitness for women that create a dilemma, what is right and what is wrong? Even a lot of unreliable information on the internet that makes you confused whether weight training is the best or the worst. Yes, It happens. Many women facing this problem. So Please read this complete article because here I am talking about some common myths about women and her fitness. Myth 1: Women do gym to lose weight  One of the worst myth and some people do think in mind that women only do gym to lose weight. Seriously?? No other goals at all? Truth: Every girl doesn't want to look like same. Everyone has their certain goals. Some want strength and athletic qualities, some want to just look lean, some requires a better health. It's a personal choice and vary person to person. One more thing if your best friend desires to look slim and you want to be a lifter, then you cannot be the partners in the gym. So It's really Okay. Myth 2: P...