Major Reasons You are not Gaining Muscles

This blog is all about getting big without looking sloppy fat.

Bodybuilding is the Game of Discipline not Game of Excess.

Some people do a lot of efforts but don't get pounds of muscles or you could get more fat instead of muscles even though you are doing an intense workout.

You are at the right place if you have ever faced or don't want to face this problem.

Please read the whole article to understand it.

You are not Eating Enough

The very first and common mistake that people do is that they don't eat enough.

If you need to gain some extra pound of muscles, you should come on the caloric surplus. Means, need to increase overall calorie intake.

Muscles require the right amount of nutrition to grow. That includes your macros Protein, Carbs and Fat.

It doesn't mean you could add Junk and Unhealthy food. You need to understand and plan your meals that affect your muscles.

You are not taking Enough Protein

Some people only focus on carbohydrates and fat while gaining. Yeah, Fat and carbs are important. But still, Protein recover and grow our muscles. Having Enough protein with a different amino profile so you will get all amino for better muscle gain.

The best source of protein that contains good amino profile: Dairy, Eggs, Fish, Chicken, etc.

But you should eat a full spectrum of amino acids that is highly beneficial to your overall muscles grow.

You Don't Train Intense Enough

To make a visible change, you need to do something revolutionary.

If you don't train with intensity, your muscles won't get bigger or stronger.
Lift with POWER and PURPOSE.

Don't go with motion, you have your own goals, that might differ from others.

Challenge your body beyond its normal capacity with proper form.

That's when change happens.

You are not taking Enough Sleep or Rest

To make changes with your body, you need to take proper sleep.

HGH(Human Growth Hormone) is directly linked with Sleeping. HGH goes the highest while we sleep.

Lack of sleep also increases your Cortisol Level. Cortisol level is your stress hormone that break down muscle tissue.

So Be Happy and Take proper rest.

Too Much Cardio

If you already not in Caloric Surplus and you are doing too much Cardio. YOU ARE DOING COMPLETELY WRONG.

While doing Muscles building, if you don't want to get fat. You need to do right kind of Cardio.

First priority would be your Resistance training that is your weight training. You could add some cardio that would not be too long. Around 10 to 20 mins.

You are Training Wrong

1.To Gain or Build muscles you need to Lift Heavy.

2. Along with this Heavy lifting, you also have to add resistance to create tension in your muscles.

If you don't create that overload, you won't achieve what you are expecting.

There are a lot of theories regarding the number of reps you need to do to gain muscles. Most experts agree with 3 to 4 working sets of 6 to 12 reps. You need to lift your goal.

If your goal is awesome physique, concentrate on the squeeze due to that weight that hit your muscles from every angle.


Not choosing the best supplement might be your mistake. If it is, please correct it.

You just can't rely on Protein while Gaining.

Make sure you are taking proper nutrition along with the supplementation.

  1.     MultiVitamin: Make sure you are having all the nutrients that may not get from food.
  2.     Fish Oil: Will reduce your inflammation, help you to recover fast. Help from Heart, Brain and Joints to work properly.
  3.     Whey Protein: Good amions. Post workout recovery.
  4.     Still not gaining weight. Can add any Weight Gainer Supplement. Make sure to check the total calories. It would not higher than 800 calories.
  5.     Creatine: Creatine Monohydrate to add strength and lean muscle mass.

Make sure you are having a lot of water.

My last suggestion is made a goal that is Realistic.

Chances are you may have an image in your mind of What you would like your body look like. Perhaps someone that you have seen before.  That's how you describe our fitness goal. I would like to look like that Fitness Model. That's Awesome.

BUT You need to set Realistic goals for your progress and give a proper timeframe to achieve that.

Stay Happy, Stay Fit.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A very nice, summarised and intelligent way to cover all the factors affecting muscle growth... Excellent writing buddy... 💪👍🤘

    SUGGESTION: Please talk more about taking enough sleep.
    My concern is that as we have to take certain amount of diet and we break it into parts to achieve that amount can we do the similar thing with sleep as well ??
    i.e. break it into time slabs to achive the overall desired amount of sleeping hours OR is it mandatory to only sleep at night ??

    1. Thanks, Actually we need a quality deep sleep, if you get quality time of sleep you could break it. No, it's not mandatory to only sleep at night. Some people do work in night, also do proper workout and take enough sleep.

      Stay fit. God bless you :)

  3. Thanks for giving great insight on this very important topic, as we in order to lose weight lose out our muscles too. This article is a must for everyone who trains and want to retain and gain muscle mass.

    Stay blessed

  4. All points are to the point and helpful. Can related my mistakes and now recognize the loop holes.
    Thanks much! We


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