How to get rid of Man Boobs and Chest Fat Naturally.

Medically known as Gynecomastia is one of the problems people encountered all over the world. Most of them realize it when they move on to the fitness industry because fitness freaks take and observe their body more seriously.
 Gynecomastia or man boobs is enlargement of the glandular tissue of the male breast.
 Let's talk about the cause and how to get rid of it naturally.

This is the problem generally comes during infancy and puberty due to the imbalance in the hormonal environment in the body.
1. When a man body gets a relative excess of estrogens, the female main hormones, as compared to Testosterone, male main hormones.
Gynecomastia could be diagnosed lipomastia, which means the presence of fat deposit in breast area of obese man.

2. Another main cause of man boob is being obese or overweight. There might be the situation that you don't have Gynecomastia but you have man boobs because of high body fat.
Some men have extra fat in the chest and some don't. You need to get rid of this stubborn fat.

But you have Gyno or not, but if have extra fat in your chest, you should focus on it to look awesome and get ripped and chiselled pecs.

1. Nutrition and Diet.
2. Workout(Full Body)
3. Cardio


The problem occurs when we have an imbalance in estrogen to testosterone level.
You need to very smart now, you have to cut your junk food and reduce your overall body fat percentage.
Actually, food does not contain testosterone but you can promote the production of this hormones by using a good diet plan. 


A great way to enhance Testosterone level is to have high HDL(High-Density Lipoprotein) rich food.
Cholesterol is a precursor and vital food ingredient for all your sexual hormones. Testosterone is the derivative of cholesterol.
You can obtain it from Fish, Olive oil, Coconut oil, Eggs, etc.


Zinc is another ingredient that helps to increase production of testosterone especially free testosterone.
Sources: Meat, Poultry, fish, dairy, beans, yoghurt etc.

Things that need to Avoid

If you really serious to get rid of your chest fat or man boobs. You should avoid foods that are the mimics of estrogen.
  1. Check your dairy products, there might be a situation that farmer give estrogen injection to cows then the milk would give some mimics of estrogen. This should be avoided.
  2. Soy and Soy product. Yes, you need to avoid Soy and Soy product. If you are vegetarian then its a really bad news for you. You could take 15 to 20 grams of protein with Soy product maximum in a day. It means you can take 100-150 grams of  Tofu(Soya protein) in a day. But if you are facing some serious problem, you can avoid that much also for some time. 
  3. Avoid Paraben.
    So now the what is paraben and from where we get it? Parabens are a very common cosmetic ingredient. When it interacts with your body your estrogen receptor make it an estrogen mimic.
    There are also some another disadvantages of Parabens.
    There might be methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben and isobutylparaben. Methy one is the least dangerous and iso is the most. You can see these on thousands of costemic products.
    Luckily we also have some cosmetic products in the market that are Paraben Free and they Label it also.


  1. Do full body workout. You are here to loss your overall bofy fat percentage and gain some muscles with your proper diet.
  2. Do bench press, Bench Press is the compound exercise for your pectorial muscles. Also do heavy sets. You can do 5*5 sets training protocol.
  3. Never Skip Legs workout. It also helps to boost your strength and Testosterone level.
  4. My workout that you could add:
    Cable cross for Lower chest + Parallel Dips + Push Ups (12, 10, 8) Gaint set with 60 seconds of rest in between each set.
You need a motivation that has to come from within you. You are going to decide that the workout and the healthy diet will be your priority and no one else can change it.

Once you make a serius committment to yourself and decide to make a positive change. I am pretty much sure you will get motivation and inspiration.

Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed!
Feel free to contact and ask any question.


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