5 Common Gym Mistakes You Must Avoid

There are some unhealthy and wrong habits people do unknowingly in their daily routine in the Gyms.
If you want to avoid gym errors and keep maintaining your results, check out these mistakes and make effort to correct them all.
So it's time to avoid all these mistakes and make some new gains and results without any injuries.

Mistake 1: Ego Lifting

Every person has commited this mistake in the gym. But the reality is ego-driven will take you nowhere and poor form puts you a lot of injuries. That's the worst this one could get in the gyms.
Everyone wants to lift heavy and get strong but proper form is the most important while you're doing training.

Don't focus on who is watching you and what others are lifting. You should do what suits your goal and helps to build muscles. Focus to create a better Mind-Muscle Connection.

Mistake 2: Not Getting Failure

While doing the workout you are failing to fail. Muscle failure means you don't have energy and strength to do any more reps now.
Your muscles say,"Muscles Failure and It's time to grow". So muscle failure is the crucial things to achieve in every lift.
For example, if you are doing bench press.
Starts with some warm-up sets like 2 warm-up sets, then go for 3 failure sets. It will maximize your results.

The key here is that you don't need to do 12 reps in every set. It's not mandatory. Our body can't differentiate between 8 and 12 reps. But the concern here is muscle failure.

Mistake 3: Are you doing Cardio First?

It's true that cardio is important. It keeps your cardiovascular system on point, keeps you lean and burns your calories during and after workout.
But If your goal is getting ripped and building muscles, don't do cardio before your weight training.

If you do your cardio first, it depletes your glycogen level i.e. stored energy, and that will make you lift less weights and you won't achieve what you deserve.

You can do some 5 to 10 min warm cardio before the weights and do cardio after your weight training. If you don't have time to do both, do cardio on other time. 
You can make changes like reducing the rest time between your weight training, and add training techniques like giant sets and drop sets. These things really help in cutting or ripping.

Mistake 4: Getting Too Comfortable

It's common for people to do the same workout or routine for a long time and get comfortable with those. And then they wonder they are not getting results.

Our body is an adaptive machine. If you repeat the things over and over, your body would remember it, make it comfortable to you.
That routine might be great, people gets awesome results too.
But get away from the comfort zone.
 In order to get awesome results, do change the variations. Change your workout splits, rest duration, number of repetitions, exercises and training protocols.

Mistake 5: Going Through the Motions

The fact is each person has a unique different starting point. One person's goal might differ from others. You should learn from others who have great physique and knowledge but can't do the same routine or pattern they do.

Stick with your Goals. Don't be a Copycat.
I have seen some people don't have any specific workout routine. Are you going to win the battle without a Strategy? Please get a plan according to your goals.

Be open-minded with new things, new ideas that are scientific. Give your 100% efforts.

Believe in Yourself. Stay Fit, Stay Happy.


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