Muscle Building is Possible in Ramadan

"Congratulations to all people to have fast in the holy month of Ramazan"

Ramazan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar.
Ramazan is a kind of complete fast means you are not allowed to eat any food and drink water.
So the question comes to every fitness person's mind that Is it possible to build muscle or maintain your muscles that we have earned with so much of hard work and dedication.
  Many people think that it's impossible, but if you create a routine and setting up your day intelligently, it would possible to build muscles. Read the complete article to understand it and the ways to win over dehydration.

Don't Say NO to workout

You have to do the workout in Ramazan as we know that our body is very intelligent, the body maintains muscles that as long as it feels it needed. If it doesn't feel the requirement of the muscles it will start losing it and gain fat. So the first thing to note it down is To DO WORKOUT. It's Safe and important.

Do Workout at Night

If you are going to fast from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m., then the suitable time to do the workout is after 7 p.m., after Iftar or night after prayer.  You need to have proper protein and carbs after the workout and need fuel diet for pre-workout so the morning or daytime workout is not recommended.  At midday or evening, our body is in a catabolic state in Ramazan. In bodybuilding, catabolism means, breaking down of muscle tissues into smaller ones means losing of muscles. So when we don't take any amino acids for a long period of time, our body comes to the catabolic state.

To shift body catabolic to anabolic(muscle building) we need to have some amino acids. So don't do exercise in midday.

So you need to continue your workout, just need to avoid intense cardio.

Meals Management

So the essential point to build muscle and stay energetic. First, you should know the number of calories you need to have to achieve your goal. For example, your goal is to have 2800 calories.
So the best time to have the bulk of the calories is immediately after your workout because of its the best time to build muscle.
So should have your 50 to 60 % of calories to this meal. So for example, you have 55% of the calories(1540 calories) to post workout.
You should have 20-25% at Iftar (560 calories). Starts with liquid like water or juice.
In Sehri(morning meal), you should have your remaining calories. Make sure you include carbs+protein+healthy fat to this diet.

Beat Dehydration

  • Take Sahri Seriously

It's important to have Sehri meal properly.  You need to drink around 1 liters of water in Sehri. Not even water that you drink Sehri will help you to fight with dehydration But the vitamins you take this time will very useful to beat the dehydration.

  • Show Intelligence in Iftar

 As we all are familiar with the trends of eating fast foods, samosas, fried food and soda drinks in Iftar. But now it's time to become more intelligent if you are going to beat dehydration. It is recommended to have lemon water, green lemon tea, and food that have natural electrolyte at Iftar time. Coconut water also has a great natural electrolyte. It all really reduces your thirst and replenish your body water.

  • Avoid High Salt and Sugar

Please avoid foods containing high salt and sugar. Sodium has the ability to dehydrate your body and make you feel thirst. Foods having high sugar often high in calories and low in nutritional values and provide energy for a very short period of time.

Protein, Carbs, and Fat

As we know that it is not possible to eat protein throughout the day in Ramazan, but it is very important to have the proper protein to maintain your muscles so have protein food in iftar as well as in Sehri. Protein in food is absorbed much slower than protein supplements.

Carbohydrates, more specific, complex carbs such as lentils, beans, brown rice, whole grain bread, and oats are slow releasing. These types of food will make you full for a long period of time. Simple carbs like white bread, chocolate bars, and white rice play the opposite role. Simple carbohydrates digest quickly and make you empty very short.

Regarding fat, Have a moderate amount of healthy fat(monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) and avoid saturated and trans fat. Sources of healthy fat are fish, almond, flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts.

Casein Could play a great Inning

 As all proteins are not equal. All have its unique advantages, whether it's soy, egg or casein protein.
Casein protein has the ability to provide a slow and steady flow of amino acids that can be last for hours.
Like if you drink casein protein supplement in Sehri at 4 A.M so it will provide amino acids for around 8 to 9 hours and your body will be in an anabolic state for a long period of time. It also helps to improve your metabolic rate.
Casein rich foods are milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt.

Sleep Well

Many people feel sleeping problem in Ramazan and don't get enough sleep time. It's true that sudden changes in eating habits, timing, and fasting throughout the day definitely make physiological changes in your body. In Ramazan, you make changes to the pattern of your lifestyle and take it positively because it's going to help you in many aspects.

  • First, you need to take proper sleep 7 to 8 hours daily and avoid caffeine rice food.
  • You could take a nap in the afternoon. Not even it feels you good, but it will increase your productivity and make the digestive system better.
  • Don't overeat. Not all it will make feel better in Taraweeh, also helps you to sleep better and easier.


So keep all these points in mind. Try to do intense cardio, low caloric intent or high fried and junk food could eventually backfire you.

Be an intelligent person and eat food wisely. Enjoy all joyous foods of Ramazan along to keep check out the nutritional values of these foods. If you are a regular gym goer, continue to do workout 3 to 5 days in a week.  Enjoy the natural electrolyte-rich drink, it helps you to win over dehydration.

I wish Allah always gift you the most brightening Ramazan, I wish to Allah to fulfill your life with health, wealth, peace and Joy.

Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed :)


  1. Really!?! I usually used to avoid exercising on fast..... but now will repeat this mistake. Thanks Buddy :)

    1. Sorry I mean... will not repeat this mistake.. :P

    2. thanks and health to you :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This blog is truly a blessing for all the rozedar out there. As people generally refuse to hit the gym, but with all these advises it seems it is actually possible with few mindful efforts.
    Happy Ramadan to you

  4. Thanks for sharing ur deep knowledge about workout n its effect during fast.

  5. Very informative article.. 👍🏻

  6. Anjali Aggarwal5 June 2017 at 20:08

    Really informative blog


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