Maximize Your Results: Muscle Mind Connection

The Body Achieve What the Mind Believe, very well said by someone. Are you lifting weights and not getting expected results? Do you have any stubborn muscle that is almost saying NO to grow? I think you will get a solution here, Try this technique, you would get the guaranteed results. Read the complete article to understand it. Mind Muscle Connection (MMC) So here, I am talking about Mind Muscle Connection(MMC) Most people also heard about it earlier. So What is the Mind Muscle Connection all about? As we know, our every motion is controlled by our brain. When we do any physical exercise or any motion, the first brain sends a signal to muscle for contraction. And we have to come at a point where the brain meets the muscle and bind receptors to the muscle fibre. The quality of MMC directly proportional to the muscle fibres you recruit. When you improve mind muscle connection you create a better quality of contraction and hence better workout. You will feel the mind ...