Protect yourself from Air Pollution

"Fresh air impoverished the doctor" We all are aware of benefits of fresh air. Now its a time have a look bit deep, consequences of air pollution and How we protect with the polluted environment. According to World Health Organization, due to air pollution, 7 million people die every year. The major problem facing is developing countries like India because of certain reasons. Some jobs are really susceptible to respiratory illness like dock workers, driving and mostly those who are constantly exposed to the worse atmosphere. Air Pollution gives Illness? How? We have 2 types of air pollutant - 1. Gases 2. Tiny Solid particles. When we breathe in polluted air, the pollutant penetrates and burn the lining of our bronchial tubes and lungs, where they get absorbed into the bloodstream and then circulate to all over the body. Ways to Protect Yourself Below are the ways to protect yourself from polluted air. Add these things to ...